Germany – Sustainable Development: Draft Progress Report

Germany is currently reviewing its 2002 sustainable development strategy. A draft progress report published on 28 May is currently out to consultation. It looks at progress since 2002 and adds four new priority areas. A final progress report will go to cabinet in September.

Colleague‘‘s in the UK embassy‘‘s Environment Team in Berlin tell us that Germany‘‘s sustainable development report Perspectives for Germany – Our Strategy for Sustainable Development was finalised in April 2002 and presented to the World Summit on Sustainable Development that summer. The strategy identifies four priority areas and includes 21 sustainability indicators.

The draft report includes a 40 page detailed review of the 15 sustainability targets. It reviews implementation progress in the four key areas: energy and climate change, transport, agriculture and global responsibility. It also highlights four new priorities: older people; new electricity generation structures; alternative road fuels and propulsion technologies; reducing land use.

During an internet chat on the draft report on 22 June, Steinmeier, Head of the Chancellery, said it was exceedingly difficult to identify decisive progress towards the very long-term developments outlined in the strategy. However, the path towards sustainable development and the current discussion was important. He emphasised policies on international development and agricultural and the expansion of the use of renewables as positive developments.

As in the original report, the progress report stresses the importance of consultation. The Government can not achieve sustainable development alone; various actors from industry and society have a role to play. The public is being involved in a number of ways, such as internet chats.


Whilst praising the main thrust of the draft report, three environmental NGOs, (BUND, DNR and NABU) issued a statement calling for more action. They welcome the inclusion of the Government‘‘s 40% by 2020 greenhouse gas reduction target, but point out that this should not be on the condition that other Member States agree similar targets. The group praises the land use target and the promotion of renewables. They criticise environmentally damaging subsidies and transport policy and call on the Government to increase the awareness of the sustainable development indicators amongst the general public.

Ano da Publicação: 2004
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #14-2004- July 10, 2004
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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