Hazardous Waste Management in Texas

If your facility generates hazardous waste in the state of Texas, you must comply not only with the Texas hazardous and industrial waste regulations, but also with federal regulations that have not yet been incorporated into the Texas rules. This two-day seminar meets the Texas and federal annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste in Texas. Topics covered include waste characterization, on-site management, manifesting, land disposal restrictions, recordkeeping and reporting, source reduction, and universal waste. Information on the modifications and new rules that may affect your facility‘s hazardous waste management program upon promulgation is also included. The Handbook for the Management of Hazardous Waste in Texas includes step-by-step instructions for hazardous waste management. It also includes a section specifically dedicated to identifying and discussing federal regulations that generators in Texas must comply with, even though they are not yet incorp

Data: 3 de abril de 2012
Início: 1 de abril de 2012
País: USA
Estado: Texas
Cidade: San Antonio
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.ercweb.com/classes/view.aspx?id=1304&showdescription=true

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