Masonry Layout


Deposits of boulders, gravel, sand, clay or tillmoved and deposted by a glacier or the …

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Designed to be thrown away after one use or after a limited period of time. …

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Criteria Air Pollutants

A group of very common air pollutants regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection agency on …

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A secondary product of a manufacturing process. A waste byproduct is an unwanted byproduct that …

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Bioaccumulative Pesticides

Many organochlorine pesticides phased out since substantial use began in the 1960’s have properties that …

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Bioaccumulative Pesticides

Many organochlorine pesticides phased out since substantial use began in the 1960’s have properties that …

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Build up of toxic substances in fish flesh. Toxic effects may be passed on to …

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A tract of land in which the ground is broadly tilted toward a common point. …

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The stream discharge composed of ground water drainage and delayed surface drainage. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION …

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Attainment Area

geographic area in which levels of a criteria air pollutant meet the health-based primary standard …

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