Hong Kong – supermarket chain reduces plastic bag use by 30 million

AHN reports that a large Hong Kong supermarket chain reduced its plastic bag use by 30 million bags. ParknShop opened its no-bag day Wednesday providing biodegradable plastic bags in lieu of regular plastic containers. The campaign to make shopping a more environment-friendly activity was further boosted by a proposal to come up with a reward program for recyclable shopping bag users.

Plastic containers account for a significant bulk of Hong Kong‘‘s landfill. Each day 23 million bags are thrown away; 8.4 billion annually. ParknShop, Wellcome and CRC – the three largest supermarket chains in Hong Kong – account for one-sixth of the disposed plastic bags. The rest are from wet markets, smaller groceries and convenience stores.

With ParknShop‘‘s campaign, there will be 50 million less non-biodegradable plastic bags in Hong Kong‘‘s landfill. Prior to the no-bag campaign, the supermarket chain had started to give out fewer plastic bags estimated at 30 million less for the first nine months of 2007 compared to the same period for 2006.

Many ParknShop buyers bought their own bags or trolleys, while some opted to use biodegradable bags in exchange for a 2 cent (20 Hong Kong cent) donation. Hong Kong‘‘s Green Council, though, is questioning the quality of ParknShop‘‘s biodegradable issues, claiming the material will not break down under present landfill conditions of lack of oxygen and sunlight.

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #48-2007-November 30, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor: bulletin@residua.com

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