International Conference GREEN POWER 4 – Sustainable Energy Development for Improved Quality of Life

The major objective of this Conference is to provide a forum for:

– Sharing of experiences of major manufacturers of power plant equipment, engineering consultants, academicians, environmentalists and leading utilities in the world in the area of eco-friendly power generation, water resources development focusing on the theme- 'Sustainable Energy Development for Improved Quality of Life'

– Discussing environmental concerns some of which transcend the local/ regional ambit and have global consequences.

– Discussions regarding technological advancement that are taking place in power generation in the areas of improved efficiency and environment.

– Developing close working relationship between experts from users and developers of power units and all other concerned for future consultations, assessment of problems and for finding out remedial solutions.

Data: 16 de outubro de 2003
Início: 1 de outubro de 2003
País: India
Cidade: New Delhi
Informações para Contato:
Tel: (INT+91) 11- 2554 2551/ 5158 9329

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