Italy – apple paper invention set to bring benefits

Italian inventor Alberto Volcan has created a type of paper made from apples and through regional funding has expanded to other office products as well.

While the engineer from northern Italy has already supplied regional offices with 60,000 envelopes and 7,000 notepads made out of his apple-paper, the Italian news agency ANSA said he has also diversified his apple products to include glue and “leather” goods.

The local governor of the Alto Adige region where Volcan operates said that the office products will likely increase attention to the area and its apple industry.

“This recycling will have a significant industrial and environmental impact,” Luis Durnwalder said.

The Alto Adige region is currently the largest apple producer in all of Europe and offers its natural products to distributors both domestically and abroad, ANSA reported.

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #16-2007-March 20, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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