Japan – abandoned bicycles reused for free rental as ‘eco-bicycles‘

Bike Off Co., a Japanese motorcycle dealer, opened a website called "Ecochari.com" on October 1, 2007, to start its free bicycle rental service for college students, making use of illegally parked or abandoned bicycles that are removed from various places.

Japan for Sustainability reports that the costs for removing and repairing the bicycles, as well as rental fees, are covered by revenues from advertising on the website and on the bicycles, in addition to financial assistance from supporting companies. This enables college students to rent the bicycles for free until graduation.

After collecting the illegally parked or abandoned bicycles on campuses, or at bicycle parking space of commercial facilities, public institutions and stations, the company identifies and repairs the reusable ones. The reconditioned bicycles are called "Ecochari", which literally means "eco-bicycles". Students who want to rent the bicycles can apply by choosing one on the website. Bicycles are then sent to the winners.

Prior to this free rental service, Bike Off tried selling the overhauled bicycles at low prices. However, many of these were left unattended and needed to be removed again. This is why the company has started the new service to offer the bicycles for rent, requiring customers to return them. Through this service, they intend to reduce the number of bicycles that are parked carelessly or abandoned.

The company also hopes to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, by encouraging the students‘‘ use of bicycles instead of motorcycles or cars. They continue to offer the service to local governments and colleges across Japan.

Ano da Publicação: 2008
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #02-2008-January 18, 2008
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor: bulletin@residua.com

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