Japan – eco-friendly airport plan for Narita

Earlier this year, Narita International Airport Corp. (NAA) announced that it had formulated an Eco-Airport Master Plan, which defines detailed environmental preservation activities aiming to make the airport environmentally-friendly

Japan for Sustainability reports that the plan is an airport-wide initiative, led by the Eco-Airport Planning Developing Council, consisting of about 500 business entities operating at the airport. Seven categories have been established in the plan: the local environment, global environment, resources, natural environment, disclosure of information about environmental activities, in-house environmental activities promoted by the NAA administrative office, and sustainable environmental management. The plan sets medium-term targets for fiscal 2006 and long-term targets for fiscal 2010, using fiscal 2002 as the base year.

One of the plan‘‘s goals is to reduce emissions per flight of the air pollutant nitrogen oxide (NOx) and greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) by 5 per cent in the medium term and 10 percent in the long term. The airport plans to accomplish this through the introduction of more fuel-efficient aircraft and converting vehicles used in the airport to low-emission models, and so on. Moreover, the airport seeks to expand the volume of water recycled on-site from 220,000 cubic meters in fiscal 2002 to 500,000 by fiscal 2010

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #39-2005-October 2, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor: bulletin@residua.com

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