Japan – Government approves bill to amend food recycling law

In March, the Japanese Cabinet approved a bill containing proposed amendments to the Food Recycling Law. Japan for Sustainability reports that the bill aims to promote food recycling in the retail and restaurant industries by strengthening administrative guidance and supervision, and also by streamlining food recycling systems. In these industries, only about 13 percent of all business entities have met the food recycling target set under the current law. If the national Diet passes the bill during its ordinary session, the amended law will come into force by the end of June 2007.

The amendments include the following requirements:

A food-related business that generates more than 100 tons of food waste a year is obliged to submit an annual report on how it manages this waste to the relevant Ministers.

A food-related business can collect and transport food recycling resources without the permission required under the current Waste Management Law if the business prepares a closed-loop recycling plan and receives approval from the relevant Minister. In such plans, food-related businesses are to use agricultural, livestock and aquaculture products raised using waste-derived fertilizers or feed.

Food waste can be used for thermal recovery when recycling is not feasible.

Under the current Food Recycling Law enacted in 2000, all food-related businesses, especially food manufacturers, retailers and restaurants that annually generate more than 100 tons of food waste, are required to reduce their wastes at least 20 percent by the end of fiscal 2006, for example by recycling it into fertilizer or feed

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #21-2006-May 25, 2006
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor: bulletin@residua.com

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