Malta – WasteServ launches waste minimisation and recycling message awareness project

WasteServ has started implementing an EU funded project worth EUR200,000 to train 20 job-seekers in raising awareness about waste minimisation and recycling. The trained job-seekers are now assisting in motivating householders to cooperate in waste management issues such as waste minimisation, the proper use of bring-in sites and civic amenity sites as well as home composting.

In one month approximately 2,000 households in 3 localities were visited by the WasteServ representatives. This was announced by the Minister for Rural Affairs and the Environment, the Hon. George Pullicino during a visit at the Local Council in San Gwann where these educational house visits are being effected. The Minister added that “the project, which is part-financed through the European Social Fund 2004 — 2006 (ESF), aims to support Malta‘‘s principal resource by improving the employability of participants after supplying them with training which includes communications skills and technical knowledge about waste management. The advantages of this project are two-fold since it aims to reduce the level of disadvantage of the labour market by training the job-seeker while simultaneously educating and empowering the householder.”

This project will contribute towards achieving the targets set in the National Waste Management Strategy for the Maltese Islands 2001 and the associated EU environmental acquis. This project is being carried out in conjunction with another EU funded project implemented by WasteServ entitled ‘‘Establishing civic amenity and bring-in sites, a separate waste collection and an integrated communications strategy‘‘. This project was accepted for co-funding under the European Regional Development Fund programme. An additional EUR325,000 will be invested in education and information for this related project.

The chosen representatives have various backgrounds, and all have a commitment to promoting the very important waste reduction, reuse and recycling message. During August and September, the trainees completed an intensive course in environmental communications and waste management. Apart from theoretical training, the trainees also had the opportunity to visit waste management sites and private companies involved in recycling, thus gaining a deeper understanding of waste management in Malta and the need for all stakeholders to participate.

Since October, the trainees visited households in San Gwann, Sliema and Ta‘‘ Xbiex. The localities of Pembroke, St. Julians and Naxxar are next in line. These are the same localities participating in the pilot project for the collection of cooking oil. The general aim is to target as many localities around Malta and Gozo as possible

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #45-2005-November 12, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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