Morocco – first factory to recycle plastic waste in Morocco

The Morocco Times reports that the first factory for recycling plastic waste has at last seen the light of day in Morocco. Fay?al Alami and Ali Moulay Kettani have signed a partnership agreement with the group Jet International (Julian Environmental Technologies), one of the two inventors of a process related to the recycling of plastic waste.

The agreement aims at manufacturing pallets and recycling plastic waste to make finished products such as gutters and duckboards.

The ambitious project is worth MAD 20 million, 6.5 of which are from the company‘‘s own funds. The other 11.5 were obtained thanks to an Italian loan given as part of MEDA project. The last 2 million will be provided by FODEP, a fund that aims at respecting the environment.

For the first year, the factory will have the production capacity of 1,000 tons a year. The investors intend to double this figure in the second year of work

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #46-2005-November 19, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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