New technology can lower cost of converting landfill gas to energy

A new technology called Acid Inhibit developed by UK company Aquafuel Research Limited could reduce the costs of producing electricity from landfill gas. Landfill gas, which contains hydrogen sulphide, is corrosive and attacks the lubricating oil used in the electricity-generating engines. This new system is said to almost double the life of the lubricating oil which would be an improvement over existing ‘scrubbing‘ systems put in place to counteract the effects of the corrosion.
A trial conducted by Aquafuel over 3000 hours has been verified by independent consulting engineers Diesel Consult Ltd at a site in Ireland.
John Blowes, Senior Partner at Diesel Consult, said: ‘As an expert with extensive experience of aggressive gas and liquid fuel burning power generation schemes, I was impressed by the benefits demonstrated by Aquafuel‘s Acid Inhibit.

‘Such technology is often characterized by engine makers as too much of a diversion from normal production. However systems like this can move commercially borderline projects into profit, and, as such, are welcomed by the industry as a whole.‘

Ano da Publicação: 2010
Autor: Rodrigo Imbelloni
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