NSWMA WasteTech Landfill Conference

If your company is involved in the Landfill business, you can’t afford to miss this conference! This conference is designed for: landfill owners and operators; consultants and landfill technology firms; members of NSWMA’s Landfill Institute; and anyone with an interest in issues affecting land disposal of solid waste. – “WasteTech has one of the strongest programs I have seen in recent years.” Greg Vogt, Vice President of SCS Engineers.

Contact: Cathy Maimon
Fax: 202-966-4824

Data: 24 de fevereiro de 2002
Início: 1 de fevereiro de 2002
País: USA
Cidade: Coral Springs, FL
Informações para Contato:
Tel: : 800-424-2869
Email:: cmaimon@envasns.org
Link: http://www.envasns.org

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