Nuclear Interim Storage International Conference 2010

The nuclear industry is staging something of a renaissance in Europe as government and utilities work together in order to cut their emissions by 20% by 2020. As recently as November 2009, 10 new nuclear power plants have been given the go ahead to begin construction in the UK, and therefore the volumes of waste will increase. Before deep geological repositories are built, which may take 50-80 years, the waste from the nuclear power plants must be put somewhere temporarily. This conference will covered will range from sociological and political to technical areas of concern. From a sociological and political point of view, the stakeholder engagement and public acceptance of having interim storage in their community is a major issue and one which needs addressing. The technical areas of concern are long term monitoring and confidence of the stores and packages, as well as evaluation criteria and keeping the stores in a good state and environment.

Data: 18 de maio de 2010
Início: 1 de maio de 2010
País: United Kingdom
Cidade: London
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