O primeiro barco de ‘comedor de plásticos’ do mundo revelou que poderia limpar o Pacífico em quatro décadas

World’s first ‘plastic eating’ boat unveiled which could clean up the Pacific in four decades

Uma nova e revolucionária embarcação ‘comedora de plástico’, que poderia limpar o oceano Pacífico em quatro décadas, foi revelada pela primeira vez no mundo. – A NEW revolutionary ‘plastic-eating’ vessel which could clean up the Pacific ocean in four decades has been revealed in a world first. Known as the Ocean Saviour project, the self-powering 70m tri-deck clean-up vessel is the world’s first boat to find which will find and recycle plastic from the ocean. The vessel works by collecting plastic waste, which is finely chopped, milled and processed using plasma gasification, with the end product becoming fuel for the yacht. It is estimated her technology would allow her to clean up the entire Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 40 years. –


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