Usina de incineração de lixo de Copenhagen conta com pista de ski

Copenhagen’s waste-fired power plant and ski slope is under construction Usina de energia a partir de resíduos com múltiplos propósitos: a planta de última geração de Copenhague estabelece novos padrões para o desempenho ambiental, produção de energia e tratamento de resíduos. – Waste-fired power plant with multiple purposes: Copenhagen’s state …

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Unidos contra resíduos de comida

United against food waste Uma iniciativa holandesa da Task Force Circular Economy in Food – United against food waste’ is a Dutch initiative of the Task Force Circular Economy in Food, which consists of a large number of companies, research institutes, civil society organisations and government bodies. –  

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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How to Add Compost on Your Small Farm

Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and suppresses root diseases by supporting benefi cial microorganisms in the soil. It also helps improve porosity and the friability or ability to work the soil. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases, reduces compaction, and improves …

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