Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation

Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …

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Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation

Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …

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Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation

Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …

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Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Mycobiota in Different Steps of Compost Maturation

Composting is a complex process in which various micro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, are involved. The process depends on a large number of factors (biological, chemical, and physical) among which microbial populations play a fundamental role. The high temperatures that occur during the composting process indicate the presence of thermotolerant …

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2ª Pesquisa ABES COVID E LIMPEZA URBANA sobre a geração de resíduos e a situação dos trabalhadores do setor com relação ao coronavirus nas capitais brasileiras no período de isolamento pela pandemia da Covid-19

Os resultados apontam para a redução da geração de resíduos domiciliares e da coleta seletiva. Além disso a pesquisa mostra a incidência do coronavírus nos trabalhadores dos diferentes setores da limpeza urbana nas capitais brasileiras no período de isolamento pela pandemia da Covid-19.

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