Dissertando sobre o lixo urbano

Marçal Rogério Rizzo (*) Antes de dissertar sobre o lixo urbano, achei necessário escrever brevemente sobre as cidades. Na atualidade, é quase impossível imaginarmos o mundo sem discutir a sustentabilidade urbana e pensando nisso logo surgem perguntas na cabeça: Como criar melhores condições de vida nas cidades? Como vivermos em …

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US – car companies look to generate power from waste heat

One might think that the steam engine is an outdated technology that had its heyday centuries ago, but in fact steam is once again a hot topic with vehicle manufacturers. Indeed, the next generation of hybrid cars and trucks may incorporate some form of steam power. Honda, for example, has …

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USA – making Zero Waste part of the plan

An article from Dr Maggie Clarke of Maggie Clarke, a long-time New York City-based solid waste scientist, researcher, educator, and activist. Amid the pages and pages of ideas and proposals to move New York toward sustainability in “PlaNYC”, there is barely a mention of solid waste. Even though solid waste …

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Latvia – in with recycled plastic bricks, out with cement

Recycling has been around for ages, but it wasn‘t until the 1970s that drop-off recycling centres emerged, and the late 1980s that doorstep collection began. Enviromental Expert reports that while the existing recycling process is crucial to dealing with the growing amount of waste we produce, researchers are looking for …

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USA – new study advances method to make energy from farm waste

Washington University engineers using imaging technology have found that vigorous mixing helps microorganisms turn farm waste into alternative energy. AP reports that hog and cow manure is a persistent pollutant from industrial-sized barns and feed lots, but can become a useful source of fuels like methane when broken down by …

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Europe – such a waste, but more of it will be recycled by 2012

The European Parliament‘s Environment Committee has recommended a report that the European Union should cut waste and Members States and have mandatory recycling, although those who can‘t comply with current targets will be given five more years to do so. New Europe reports that the committee voted to reinstate most …

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Lei deveria obrigar reciclagem de automóveis

Assim como foi imposto à indústria de pneus, obrigadas a reciclar os pneus na mesma quantidade que novos são comercializados, algum deputado federal deveria propor uma lei similar para a indústria de automóveis. No caso dos pneus, a lei começou obrigando a reciclar um pneu a cada quatro vendidos, depois …

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A reciclagem e a crise econômica

“O órgão ambiental inglês estimulou as parcerias entre prefeituras e empresas de reciclagem a promover a participação popular para uma coleta mais eficiente. Para reduzir os impactos ao meio ambiente, há, inclusive, abertura para identificação de áreas alternativas para armazenamento dos materiais” Por Beatriz Luz A reciclagem é mais uma …

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