Food Waste

Uneaten food and food preparation wastes from residences and commercial establishments such as grocery stores, restaurants, and produce stands, institutional cafeterias and kitchens, and industrial sources like employee lunchrooms. SOURCE:

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Food Processing Waste

Food residues produced during agricultural and industrial operations. SOURCE:

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Fluidized Bed Incinerator

An incinerator that uses a bed of hot sand or other granular material to transfer heat directly to waste. Used mainly for destroying municipal sludge. SOURCE:

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Fluidized Bed Incinerator

An incinerator that uses a bed of hot sand or other granular material to transfer heat directly to waste. Used mainly for destroying municipal sludge. SOURCE:

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Fluidized Bed Incinerator

An incinerator that uses a bed of hot sand or other granular material to transfer heat directly to waste. Used mainly for destroying municipal sludge. SOURCE:

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França adota carroças contra aquecimento global

Preocupadas com questões ambientais relacionadas às mudanças climáticas, as prefeituras de cerca de 70 cidades francesas estão substituindo veículos motorizados por carroças puxadas por cavalos para realizar serviços públicos como coleta de lixo, transporte de pessoas e manutenção de jardins Clique para ler a notícia na fonte original!    

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Reciclagem: Gerar energia e reaproveitar mais resinas norteiam novos programas de investimentos

Do alto posto de um dos maiores índices de reciclagem mecânica de plásticos pós-consumo do mundo (16,5%), a despeito da falta de um sistema eficiente de coleta seletiva, o País agora busca opções para ampliar a taxa de reutilização e também de alternativas que permitam aproveitar os resíduos plásticos presentes …

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Financial Assurance for Closure

Documentation or proof that an owner or operator of a facility such as a landfill or other waste repository is capable of paying the projected costs of closing the facility and monitoring it afterwards as provided in RCRA regulations. SOURCE:

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In solid waste program, municipal solid waste and recyclables transported outside the state or locality where they originated. SOURCE:

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Energy Recovery

Obtaining energy from waste through a variety of processes (e.g. combustion). SOURCE:

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