LIXO ELETRÔNICO – Sucata democrática

Muitos já ouviram falar de termos como spam ou lixo eletrônico, aquele sem-fim de mensagens inúteis com propagandas, correntes e malas diretas virtuais que entopem as caixas de correios. É um problema que afeta o cotidiano dos usuários da Internet, e é suficiente para causar alguma irritação, principalmente quando junto …

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Canada – Municipal Solid Waste – Gold in the garbage!

With Canadians disposing of over 25 million tonnes of waste to landfills each year, many municipalities are handing over money to companies that specialize in turning municipal solid waste (MSW) into energy. Globe-Net reports that through ingenuity, many waste-to-energy technologies have been developed for this waste and it has become …

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Europe – the road from landfilling to recycling: common destination, different routes

A new brochure from the European Environment Agency (EEA) presents the EEA‘‘s new country factsheets on waste policies and trends across the EU-25, and summarises some patterns in approaches to waste management that are highlighted by the factsheets. Achieving effective policy outcomes: the importance of tailoring waste management policies to …

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