
Deposits of boulders, gravel, sand, clay or tillmoved and deposted by a glacier or the water from a melting glacier. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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Designed to be thrown away after one use or after a limited period of time. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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Criteria Air Pollutants

A group of very common air pollutants regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection agency on the basis of criteria (information on health and/or environmental effects of pollution). Criteria air pollutants are widely distributed all over the country SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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A secondary product of a manufacturing process. A waste byproduct is an unwanted byproduct that can either be disposed of or recycled. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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Bioaccumulative Pesticides

Many organochlorine pesticides phased out since substantial use began in the 1960’s have properties that result in their increased accumulation up the food chain (bioaccumulation). Dichlorodiphenyl trichlororethane (DDT), dieldrin, and toxaphene are bioaccumulative pesticides that are no longer in use in the United States, but persist and are still detected …

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Bioaccumulative Pesticides

Many organochlorine pesticides phased out since substantial use began in the 1960’s have properties that result in their increased accumulation up the food chain (bioaccumulation). Dichlorodiphenyl trichlororethane (DDT), dieldrin, and toxaphene are bioaccumulative pesticides that are no longer in use in the United States, but persist and are still detected …

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Build up of toxic substances in fish flesh. Toxic effects may be passed on to humans eating the fish. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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A tract of land in which the ground is broadly tilted toward a common point. Water that falls onto any portion of the basin is carried toward the common point by a single river system. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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The stream discharge composed of ground water drainage and delayed surface drainage. SOURCE: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY

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Attainment Area

geographic area in which levels of a criteria air pollutant meet the health-based primary standard (national ambient air quality standard, or NAAQS) for the pollutant. An area may have an acceptable level for one criteria air pollutant, but may have unacceptable levels for others. Thus, an area could be both …

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