The term natural attenuation refers to the combination of all natural degradation processes that take place in soil and groundwater, such as biodegradation, adsorption, dilution and chemical reactions with the soil itself. Over time, these natural processes reduce the concentration of contaminants to acceptable levels, in other words, levels that …

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Landfarming is an ex-situ bioremediation technology in which the contaminated soil is excavated and positioned in 20-50 cm thick layers, on surfaces insulated with impermeable liners to control leaching of contaminants. The soil is periodically turned over or tilled to aerate the waste and optimise the rate of contaminant degradation. …

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In situ remediation technologies are those in which the pollutants are bioremediated (biodegraded) by the micro-organisms naturally present in the soil, without moving the contaminated soil (in situ), under controlled conditions. Source: Courtesy of Ambiente, an Eni Group Company

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Legislative Decree 22/97 defines industrial waste as: a) waste from agricultural and agro-industrial activities; b) waste generated by demolition and construction activities as well as hazardous waste from quarrying activities; c) waste produced by industrial operations; d) waste produced by artisan operations; e) waste produced by commercial operations; f) waste …

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This is a series of devices designed to remove, or rather, reduce the concentration of pollutants in the flue gas to be treated. Depending on the chemical-physical properties of the flue gas and the pollutants, the system can be composed of one or more stages. The decision on which of …

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Dioxins are chlorinated organic compounds that include a family of 75 molecular types that are similar (co-genus) but have varying toxicity levels. The 2, 3, 7, 8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is the most toxic. They are present in the environment in a colourless, insoluble crystal form that is extremely stable in …

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This is the solid residue remaining after combustion made up of a material with a high inert content (incombustible fraction). Examples include the residue from coal combustion, also known as heavy ash, or from incineration of solid urban waste. Specifically, the residue from an urban-waste incineration process, made up of …

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Bioventing is an in situ remediation technique that stimulates the biodegradation of the contaminating substances, providing oxygen to the micro-organisms normally present in the soil. Air is slowly blown into the unsaturated area of the soil, thereby supplying oxygen, which facilitates the degradation activity of the micro-organisms. This method is …

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This term refers to a bioremediation technique in which the contaminated soil is heaped into piles. Air, nutrients (nitrates, phosphates) and water are then fed into the pile, each through its own separate grid of pipes. The technique creates the kind of optimum aerobic conditions necessary for the development and …

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This particular system of biological waste treatment is made up of a reactor filled with a filtering material upon which a layer of bacterial flora develops. The waste to be treated then

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