
Equivale aos 36 países industrializados e economias em transição listados no Anexo 1 da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas para Mudanças Climáticas (UNFCCC – United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ). Esses países possuem várias responsabilidades dentro da Convenção, incluindo um compromisso, sem metas, de reduzir suas emissões de GEE …

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Anexo B

Anexo B do Protocolode kyoto. São 39 países, entre industrilizados e economias em transição, que se comprometeram com metas para a redução das emissões de GEE. As metas estipuladas de redução variam de 8% a 10% em relação ao nível de 1990, durante o primeiro período de compromisso do Protocolo, …

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Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Laboratory measurement of the amount of oxygen used in chemical reactions that occur in water as a result of the addition of wastes. A major objective of conventional wastewater treatment is to reduce the chemical and biochemical oxygen demand. SOURCE: Water Quality and Waste Management Glossary

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Buy-Back Center

Facility where individuals bring recyclables in exchange for payment. SOURCE: Water Quality and Waste Management Glossary

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Bulky Waste

Large items of refuse including, but not limited to, appliances, furniture, large auto parts, non-hazardous construction and demolition material, trees, branches and stumps which cannot be handled by normal solid waste processing, collection and disposal methods. SOURCE: Water Quality and Waste Management Glossary

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Black Water

liquid and solid human body waste and the carriage water generated by toilet use. SOURCE: Water Quality and Waste Management Glossary

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Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

laboratory measurement of the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms while decomposing organic matter in a product. BOD levels are indicative of the effect of the waste on fish or other aquatic life which require oxygen to live, and though not a specific compound, it is defined as a conventional …

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When less attention is given to providing and maintaining optimum conditions for compost piles, the resulting environment that will attract psychrophilic bacteria, possibly mesophyllic bacteria, but not thermophilic bacteria. As the psychrophilic bacteria work, the compost pile will reach about 55 degrees F. This is the slow method of creating …

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Macroorganisms that feed on other animals. Includes ant, beetle, centipede, enchytraed, fly, mite, mole, scorpion, slug, snail, spider, springtail. SOURCE:

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The relative amount of carbon to nitrogen, e.g., a 2:1 ratio means that there is twice as much carbon as nitrogen. Bacteria, like all living organisms, require quite a bit of carbon and comparatively less nitrogen. By providing them with materials that provide these elements in the correct proportion, they …

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