Trem movido a vacas

Trem movido a vacas O primeiro trem movido a biogás fez sua viagem inaugural nesta segunda-feira na Suécia. O combustível pode ser feito a partir dos restos mortais de animais. No caso sueco, vacas estão sendo abatidas e trituradas para dar impulso ao trem. O material orgânico é misturado a …

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UK – largest ever construction waste measurement project

Construction contractors and clients, waste management companies, planners and other interested parties are being invited to take part in the UK‘‘s largest ever construction waste measurement project. This Defra-funded project – being carried out by BRE – will measure waste in a consistent and systematic way, from a range of …

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England – Government consults on 2007/8 recycling targets

Local Environmental Quality Minister Ben Bradshaw has launched for consultation proposals for recycling and composting targets for 2007/08. Mr Bradshaw stressed that the consultation would deal with targets for 2007/08 only. He confirmed that the current review of Waste Strategy 2000 would consider a longer term vision, looking more broadly …

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UK – report highlights opportunity for biodiesel in London

A report, commissioned by Enhance, on London‘‘s market potential for biodiesel made from used cooking oils (UCO), has been released. The escalating prices of non-renewable fuels, the increasing demand for fuel in general and the effect these fuels have on the climate will coerce the need for biodiesel in London. …

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UK – recycled clothing on sale at Topshop, London

Designer clothes made from recycled textiles have gone on sale in TOPSHOP‘‘s flagship store on Oxford Street in London. The new clothing range, ‘‘Emmeline 4 RE‘‘ by talented young designer Emmeline Child, has been sourced from textiles from The Salvation Army‘‘s Recycling Trading Company and Kettering Textiles in Northamptonshire. In …

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Australia – attack on waste: recycling top of agenda

Recycling will be top of the Australian Government‘‘s agenda when Environment Ministers meet in Launceston this Wednesday for the Environment Protection and Heritage Council meeting. Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell, said Australia already led the world in recycling products like newsprint, but could do more …

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Europe – Parliament favours tougher controls on waste shipments

A new European Regulation aiming to control waste shipments should enter into force by the beginning of 2007 at the latest. EIS reports that the final version of the report on this draft Regulation, presented by Johannes Blokland (IND/DEM, Netherlands) and adopted by the European Parliament on October 25, includes …

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Trem movido a vacas

Trem movido a vacas O primeiro trem movido a biogás fez sua viagem inaugural nesta segunda-feira na Suécia. O combustível pode ser feito a partir dos restos mortais de animais. No caso sueco, vacas estão sendo abatidas e trituradas para dar impulso ao trem. O material orgânico é misturado a …

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