Australia – stand-off looms over waste levies

The Sydney Morniong Herald reports that Australian local authorities may refusE to pay the state-imposed waste levy introduced in 1993 to encourage recycling. The idea was that a A$4.20 levy on every tonne of rubbish delivered by a council or a business to landfill (on top of direct landfill charges) …

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UK – composting potential for growth

The UK agency Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has published a report "Assessment of the Demand for Green Waste Compost in the UK Landscaping Industry 2004/05", which does just that. The report was written by Joanna Barnsley, Ben Thuriaux and Simon Stephens (Associate) from consultants Arthur D Little. The …

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Australia – new heights in newspaper recycling

Australia has hit a new high in recycling of its newspapers, with a national average of 73.5% for 2003, according to the annual report on the recovered newsprint market from the Publishers National Environment Bureau (PNEB). The report, produced for the PNEB by the News Limited Environmental Secretariat, showed that …

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Australia – new heights in newspaper recycling

Australia has hit a new high in recycling of its newspapers, with a national average of 73.5% for 2003, according to the annual report on the recovered newsprint market from the Publishers National Environment Bureau (PNEB). The report, produced for the PNEB by the News Limited Environmental Secretariat, showed that …

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UK – plastic bottles recycling doubles

A 100% increase in plastic bottle recycling over the past two years has been revealed by research funded by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) and carried out by Recoup (RECycling Of Used Plastics). The UK Plastic Bottle Recycling Survey 2005 includes data submitted by all 477 UK local …

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Europe – no packaging waste mountain in view for EU12

Increase of packaging use is growing by less than 1% per annum while Member States look to be on track for achieving the 2008 Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive targets. Those are the main conclusions of an ASSURRE analysis of official Packaging and Packaging Waste statistics from 2002. Following its …

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