Hybrid model for the prediction of municipal solid waste generation in Hangzhou, China

In this study, a hybrid model was established to forecast MSW generation through the combination of the ridge regression and GM(1,N) models. The hybrid model is multivariate and involves total urban population, total retail sales of social consumer goods, per capita consumption expenditure of urban areas, tourism, and college graduation.

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The role of solid waste composting in mitigating climate change in Jordan

The assessment revealed that composting and anaerobic digestion of the total generated source-segregated bio-waste (Scenarios 3 and 4) have the least net greenhouse gas emissions with 1.1 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, while engineered sanitary landfilling and dumping have net emissions of 2.6 and 3.75 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, respectively. The findings of this research are paving the way …

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Hybrid model for the prediction of municipal solid waste generation in Hangzhou, China

In this study, a hybrid model was established to forecast MSW generation through the combination of the ridge regression and GM(1,N) models. The hybrid model is multivariate and involves total urban population, total retail sales of social consumer goods, per capita consumption expenditure of urban areas, tourism, and college graduation.

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The role of solid waste composting in mitigating climate change in Jordan

The assessment revealed that composting and anaerobic digestion of the total generated source-segregated bio-waste (Scenarios 3 and 4) have the least net greenhouse gas emissions with 1.1 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, while engineered sanitary landfilling and dumping have net emissions of 2.6 and 3.75 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, respectively. The findings of this research are paving the way …

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Hybrid model for the prediction of municipal solid waste generation in Hangzhou, China

In this study, a hybrid model was established to forecast MSW generation through the combination of the ridge regression and GM(1,N) models. The hybrid model is multivariate and involves total urban population, total retail sales of social consumer goods, per capita consumption expenditure of urban areas, tourism, and college graduation.

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The role of solid waste composting in mitigating climate change in Jordan

The assessment revealed that composting and anaerobic digestion of the total generated source-segregated bio-waste (Scenarios 3 and 4) have the least net greenhouse gas emissions with 1.1 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, while engineered sanitary landfilling and dumping have net emissions of 2.6 and 3.75 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, respectively. The findings of this research are paving the way …

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Hybrid model for the prediction of municipal solid waste generation in Hangzhou, China

In this study, a hybrid model was established to forecast MSW generation through the combination of the ridge regression and GM(1,N) models. The hybrid model is multivariate and involves total urban population, total retail sales of social consumer goods, per capita consumption expenditure of urban areas, tourism, and college graduation.

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The role of solid waste composting in mitigating climate change in Jordan

The assessment revealed that composting and anaerobic digestion of the total generated source-segregated bio-waste (Scenarios 3 and 4) have the least net greenhouse gas emissions with 1.1 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, while engineered sanitary landfilling and dumping have net emissions of 2.6 and 3.75 million Mg CO2-eq y-1, respectively. The findings of this research are paving the way …

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El compostaje de residuos ganaderos

El tratamiento que combina los residuos pecuarios con las hojas recolectadas en la limpieza de espacios verdes, genera oportunidades económicas a los productores hortícolas y a la vez reduce los riesgos de contaminación cruzada. Link: https://www.rionegro.com.ar/el-compostaje-de-residuos-ganaderos-1050016/

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