BANS AND BEYOND: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws

This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans. The toolkit provides a resource to help state and local governments, advocates, and other stakeholders evaluate options for developing policies to address food waste and tailor …

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BANS AND BEYOND: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws

This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans. The toolkit provides a resource to help state and local governments, advocates, and other stakeholders evaluate options for developing policies to address food waste and tailor …

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BANS AND BEYOND: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws

This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans. The toolkit provides a resource to help state and local governments, advocates, and other stakeholders evaluate options for developing policies to address food waste and tailor …

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Progress in Biomethane-Mobility

IBBK’s 3-day conference “Progress in Biomethane Mobility” will bridge the gap between the technology and the end user. We address the international scientific community as well as practitioners to present you the status quo and  new and modern technologies. The company exhibition during the two days of the conference and the excursion …

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WASTECON 2019: Pathway to Innovation will be filled with new experiences for everyone! Based on member feedback, WASTECON has been transformed as an experience of activities, tools and resources for you—the solid waste leader—and your teams to explore your most important issues and find sustainable solutions for your communities. WASTECON 2019 is …

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Prefeitura de Votorantim  

Contratação de empresa especializada para prestação de serviços de coleta, transporte, tratamento biológico edestinação do chorume gerado no aterro sanitariomunicipal

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Prefeitura Municipal de Sonora  

Contratação de empresa especializada para a prestação de serviços decoleta, transporte, tratamento e destinaçãofinal dos residuos do serviço de saúde dos grupos ?a?,?b? e ?e? proveniente das unidades de saúde do município de sonora – ms, conforme determin

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