Looking Back To Look Ahead

Reading Editorials written by BioCycle founder Jerry Goldstein over a five decade period reveals how so much of what is taken for granted today came to be. Link: https://www.biocycle.net/2019/07/10/looking-back-look-ahead/?utm_source=%40BioCycle&utm_campaign=ce9fe8fdaf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_07_25_06_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_54de51a9ab-ce9fe8fdaf-294294185

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State Of Play In Renewable Fuels Market

New report projects sharply increased biogas demand and supply that could benefit anaerobic digester (AD) developers — amid tensions that may undercut its forecasts. Link: https://www.biocycle.net/2019/07/10/state-play-renewable-fuels-market/?utm_source=%40BioCycle&utm_campaign=ce9fe8fdaf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_07_25_06_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_54de51a9ab-ce9fe8fdaf-294294185

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Composting And AD In California

Recent survey of large, operating composting and anaerobic digestion facilities sheds light on the state’s capacity to process the increasing flow of diverted organics. Link: https://www.biocycle.net/2019/07/10/composting-ad-california/?utm_source=%40BioCycle&utm_campaign=ce9fe8fdaf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_07_25_06_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_54de51a9ab-ce9fe8fdaf-294294185

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Environmentally friendly tips for coffee lovers

Drinking coffee and saving the environment do not have to be mutually exclusive passions. In today’s go-go-go culture, convenience often tops both judgement and efficiency, giving caffeinated beverage drinkers more opportunities than not to contribute waste for the sake of time. Here are a few environmentally friendly — and wallet-friendly …

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No part wasted from the garden

We are picking cucumbers, broccoli, all kinds of greens, squashes, no lettuce. The chickens ate the second planting of lettuce. How could they help it? It looked so delicious springing up from the ground. Link: https://poststar.com/lifestyles/columns/local/gothic/column-no-part-wasted-from-the-garden/article_e742a792-e969-5c00-a50c-c0c03c9b493e.html

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