Biodegradable packaging made from crustaceans

CARAPAC was born out of the University of Sydney’s “Inventing the Future” program, which calls on highly capable graduate students from various disciplines to come together to find solutions to pressing world issues. Link:

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Microbes to help Salem Corpn. in waste management

Among various methods civic bodies across the State adopt for solid waste disposal, micro composting centres is the most common one as these can be decentralised. But, this method has run into stiff protests from the public. Link:

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Composting in America

A Path to Eliminate Waste, Revitalize Soil and Tackle Global Warming Link:

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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

SBIR solicitations currently openplanned for 2018 can be found below. The list may change periodically and should only be used as a guide to assist potential applicants. Please check back for updatessign up to receive notifications of new funding opportunities. Link:

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Connections: Carbon Intensity

It is all a question of intensity. If I have a leisurely stroll around the park, spending an hour on the 2-mile loop looking at leaves and the lake, I will have brought peace to my soul but not burned enough calories to justify eating a pint of ice cream. …

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Connections: Soil Health Indicators

It is pretty easy to tell if you are healthy. You go to the doctor and they test your blood pressure, weight and every couple of years you get a blood panel. There are even tools to make sure you stay healthy. I recently read that if you eat well …

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As an alum, you know the learning and networking value that awaits you at a SWANA event, and, this year, we're taking it to the next level. In addition to keeping you sharp on core topics, we've also integrated subjects that will completely change your solid waste and recycling game …

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Prefeitura Municipal de Paranaguá  

?contratação de empresa de engenharia ou consórcio de empresas de engenharia objetivando a execução de serviços integrantes do sistema delimpezapública, coleta de residuos,varricão de vias e areasverdes públicas de uso comum inseridas no município de para

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Prefeitura de Conde  

Contratação de empresa de engenharia especializada no segmento de limpezapublica, para a execução simultânea dos serviços de limpeza publica em vias e logradouros públicos de toda a área do município de conde

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