Guía para elaborar la caracterización de Residuos Sólidos

Tiene por objetivo orientar a las municipalidades provinciales y distritales del país en la elaboración de Estudios de Caracterización de Residuos Sólidos Municipales (EC-RSM) mediante pautas metodológicas que describen en forma clara y sencilla los pasos para la obtención de cifras locales relacionadas a estos residuos lo cual permitirá el …

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Recycling Won‘t Be Enough To Save The Planet – What We Need Now Is The Right Recycling

While there are still a significant number of died-in-the-wool deniers out there, it does seem that most of us have now got the message that we can’t keep treating the planet as if its resources were inexhaustible. Link:

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Compost is part of the circle of life in gardens

The season for fresh fruits and vegetables grown right in the backyard is upon us. Warm weather breathes life into fresh berries, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, and many other delectable fruits and vegetables. Link:

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