First steps in wastewater treatment; screens and sedimentation tanks are used to remove most materials that float or will settle. Primary treatment results in the removal of about 30l percent of carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand from domestic sewage

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Measures taken to minimize the release of wastes to the environment. Source: World Bank

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Processes used to reduce, eliminate, or alter the nature of wastewater pollutants from non-domestic sources before they are discharged into publicly owned treatment works. Source: World Bank

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Mantener el estado actual de un área o categoría de seres vivientes Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina

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El Ejecutivo a nivel Departamental. Fuente: REGLAMENTO GESTIÓN DE RESIDUOS SÓLIDOS – Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente da Bolivia

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Air pollution control devices that collect particles from an emission. Source: World Bank

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Removal of solids from liquid waste so that the hazardous solid portion can be disposed of safely; removal of particles from airborne emissions. Source: World Bank

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“Freqüentemente referido como processo Cottrell, por ter sido criado por Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1877-1948). Define-se como o uso de um campo eletrostático para precipitar ou remover partículas sólidas ou líquidas de um gás no qual tais partículas se acham em suspensão” (Danielson, 1973). “Equipamento de redução da poluição do ar …

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Es el agua atmosférica que cae al suelo en estado líquido o sólido, tal como la lluvia, nieve y granizo. La intensidad y frecuencia de la precipitación deben ser previstas en la construcción del relleno sanitario, para adoptar las dimensiones apropiadas del sistema de drenaje superficial e lixiviados

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The tendency of the Earth’s axis to wobble in space over a period of 23,000 years. The Earth’s precession is one of the factors that results in the planet receiving different amounts of solar energy over extended periods of time

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