Any of a number of organic compounds analogous to hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine. Once used in the United States as a propellant in aerosols, they are now primarily used in coolants and some industrial processes

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Gaseous, solid, or dissolved compounds containing fluorine that result from industrial processes; excessive amounts in food can lead to fluorosis. (source: World bank)

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A technology which uses a sorbent, usually lime or limestone, to remove sulfur dioxide from the gases produced by burning fossil fuels. Flue gas desulfurization is currently the state-of-the- art technology in use by major SO2 emitters, e.g., power plants

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Vented air coming out of a chimney after combustion in the burner. It can include nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, water vapor, sulfur oxides, particles, and many chemical pollutants. (source: World bank)

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A gauge that shows the speed of wastewater moving through a treatment plant. Also used to measure the speed of liquids moving through various industrial processes

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FLORA SILVESTRE EXÓTICA (introducida o naturalizada)

Conjunto de especies que, no siendo oriunda de un medio, vive en el y se propaga como si fuera autóctona. (Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina)

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Conjunto de especies o individuos vegetales que no se han plantado o mejorado por el hombre. (Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina)

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Conjunto de especies e individuos vegetales naturales del país, no introducidas, sino nativos. (Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina)

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Means the channel of the watercourse and those portions of the floodplains which are reasonably required to discharge the flood flow of a designated flood

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Means a lowland area, whether dyked, floodproofed or not, which, by reasons of land elevation, is susceptible to flooding from an adjoining watercourse, ocean, lake or other body of water and for administration purposes is taken to be that area submerged

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