The process by which clumps of solids in water or sewage are made to increase in size by biological or chemical action so that they can by separated form the water

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A class of compounds which burn easily. Flammability is one criteria used to classify a waste as hazardous. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – California – USA

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Means a layer consisting of soil and, in some cases, other natural or synthetic materials that is placed on any surface of a landfill where no additional solid waste will be deposited and serves to restrict the infiltration of precipitation

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A treatment process, under the control of qualified operators, for removing solid (particulate) matter from water by passing the water through porous media such as sand or a man-made filter. The process is often used to remove particles that contain pathogenics organisms

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A by-product of a waste treatment process that consists of a mixture of sediments and fluid wastes. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – California – USA

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Materials such as nitrogen and phosphorus that provide nutrients for plants. Commercially sold fertilizers may contain other chemicals or may be in the form of processed sewage sludge

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Estudio de la periodicidad temporal y sus fenêmenos asociados en los seres vivos. Ejemplo: época de floración o germinación de una especie. (Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina)

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A mechanism that connects one aspect of a system to another. The connection can be either amplifying (positive feedback) or moderating (negative feedback). (Source : Glossary of climate Change Terms- EPA)

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Bacteria found in the intestinal tracts of mammals. Their presence in water or sludge is an indicator of pollution and possible contamination by pathogens

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FAUNA SILVESTRE (salvaje o agreste)

Está constituída por aquellos animales que viven libremente, en ambientes naturales o artificiales sin depender del hombre para alimentarse o reproducirse. (Fuente: Ley 11.723 República Argentina)

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