Any of a family of compounds known chemically as dibenzo-p-dioxins. Concern about them arises from their potential toxicity and contamination in commercial products. Tests on laboratory animals indicate that it is one of the more toxic man-made chemicals

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The relationship between the volume of water in a stream and the volume of incoming water. It affects the ability of the stream to assimilate waste. Source: World Bank

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Equipamento para a digestão de matérias orgânicas, em particular lodos das estações de tratamento biológico de águas servidas. Trata-se de grandes cubas cilíndricas as vezes combinadas com uma parte inferior cônica para espesssamento dos lodos, enquanto a parte superior estanque permite a captação dos gases da digestão (Lemaire & Lemaire, …

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In wastewater treatment, a closed tank; in solid waste conversion, a unit in which bacterial action is induced and accelerated in order to break down organic matter and establish the proper carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Source: World Bank

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Degradação anaeróbia de matérias orgânicas, em particular dos lodos provenientes de uma degradação aeróbia (depuração biológica)” (Lemaire & Lemaire, 1975). “Processo pelo qual a matéria orgânica ou volátil do lodo e gaseificada, liquefeita, mineralizada ou convertida em matéria orgânica mais estável, através da atividade aeróbia ou anaeróbia de microorganismos (ABNT, …

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Dieldrin is an insect-killing chemical that is readily absorbed through the skin or following ingestion. Dieldrin is classified as a probable human carcinogen. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – California – USA

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A colorless liquid, which evaporates readily in certain situations. It is used as a solvent and as a gasoline additive. It can cause nervous system damages. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – California – USA

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A volatile organic compound that is often used as a deodorizer, and as a moth, mold and mildew killer. It is a white solid with a strong odor of mothballs. It is toxic and is listed as a cancer-causing agent under Proposition 65. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – …

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An amber-colored liquid, used in a agriculture to kill worms in the soil. Inhalation of high concentrations of DBCP causes nausea and irritation of the respiratory tract. Chronic exposure results in sterility in males. DBCP is listed as a cancer-causing. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – California – USA

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As insect-killing chemical containing phosphates. In 1986, U. S. EPA banned its use in open areas because it posed a danger to animals. It is still used in agriculture have lawn and commerical uses. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control

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