Composting as a strategy to recycle aquatic animal waste: Case study of a research centre in São Paulo State, Brazil

Aquaculture is a fast-growing activity in Brazil and around the world, which generates large amounts of waste from fingerling production to the final consumer. Among several possibilities for the management of these wastes, windrow composting stands out as a simple and low-cost method. In this study, 16 composting piles were …

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International Solid Waste Association’s “closing dumpsites” initiative: status of progress

This report, released in Antwerp, Belgium, at the 2015 World Congress, informs the public about how dumpsites and untreated wastes are linked to illness and premature deaths. A complementary report on the “Global Waste Management Outlook: Summary for Decision-Makers” focuses on how developing countries can improve their systems, including the …

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Composting as a strategy to recycle aquatic animal waste: Case study of a research centre in São Paulo State, Brazil

Aquaculture is a fast-growing activity in Brazil and around the world, which generates large amounts of waste from fingerling production to the final consumer. Among several possibilities for the management of these wastes, windrow composting stands out as a simple and low-cost method. In this study, 16 composting piles were …

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Prefeitura de Valentim Gentil [Alterada / Retificada] 

Contratação de empresa para a execução, em regime de prestação de serviços, para coleta, transporte, tratamento e disposição final dos rsss (residuos sólidos dos serviços de saúde), dos grupos ?a?, ?b? e ?e? definidos na resolução da anvisa ? rdc n°. 306,

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Prefeitura Municipal de Nova Odessa  

Prestação de serviços de operação, manutenção, transporte e destinaçãofinal dos residuos sólidos da construção civil e demolição (RCD) provenientes dos ecopontos do Município de Nova Odessa

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Prefeitura Municipal de São Vicente  

Contratação de empresa para prestação de serviços de serviços de coleta, transporte dos residuos sólidos domiciliares eserviços complementares de limpeza pública, no município de são vicente

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