Site Closure Strategies: Reducing Remediation Liabilities & Costs

Industrial companies face the daunting task of managing investigations and clean-ups at thousands of contaminated properties. In staying abreast of new technology and ever-evolving regulatory programs, companies must address many challenges involving regulations, technologies, and expenses. To successfully manage the costs and risks for each project, it is important to: …

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Australia – organic waste finds use as local power source

Oganic waste from some of Perth’s most affluent suburbs could be broken down and turned into electricity in a world-class facility by the end of 2004. WA-based company Organic Resource Technology has been collaborating with Murdoch University’s Environmental Biotechnology Co-operative Research Centre to develop a closed waste treatment system to …

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USA – new EPA website and brochures on backyard burning

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking action to reduce the open burning of household waste, often referred to as backyard burning. In addition to being a fire hazard, backyard burning is a source of dangerous pollutants, including dioxins, particulate matter, lead, mercury, and hexachlorobenzene. Since stringent controls have …

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Site Closure Strategies: Reducing Remediation Liabilities & Costs

Industrial companies face the daunting task of managing investigations and clean-ups at thousands of contaminated properties. In staying abreast of new technology and ever-evolving regulatory programs, companies must address many challenges involving regulations, technologies, and expenses. To successfully manage the costs and risks for each project, it is important to: …

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Australia – organic waste finds use as local power source

Oganic waste from some of Perth’s most affluent suburbs could be broken down and turned into electricity in a world-class facility by the end of 2004. WA-based company Organic Resource Technology has been collaborating with Murdoch University’s Environmental Biotechnology Co-operative Research Centre to develop a closed waste treatment system to …

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Brazil – aluminium & steel recycling reaches record levels

Aluminium Brazilian association CEMPRE reports that 121,000 metric tonnes of aluminium cans recycled in 2002, by35 recyclers (among them producers of secondary aluminum). This sustains 152,000 direct and indirect jobs and sales of US$ 293 million. These are the results obtained in 2002 by the aluminium can recycling sector in …

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