São Paulo cuts VAT for recyclables

The Brazilian state of São Paulo has modified regulations governing the ICMS (local business tax) value added tax through last October’s Decree No. 47.278. Transport to or from other states of paper waste or cuttings, metal scrap, glass waste and fragments or residue of plastics, rubber or textiles is now …

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TVs, PC monitors should be recycled, says LA official

A proposal that would require electronics retailers to set up recycling schemes for discarded televisions and computer monitors, the first proposed law of its kind in the USA, has been introduced by a Los Angeles city official. Concerned about toxic waste from discarded TVs and monitors, Los Angeles City Council …

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Waste incineration – UK regulations to implement EU legislation

EU Waste Incineration Directive 2000/87/EC has introduced stringent operating conditions and sets minimum technical requirements for waste incineration and co-incineration. The requirements of the Directive have been developed to reflect the ability of incineration plants to more cost effectively achieve high standards of emission control in comparison to the 1980s. …

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