Electronics stewardship appears more likely in US

Delicate negotiations between government, industry and environmental interests in electronics recycling soon may lead to an agreement on a nationwide recovery system for obsolete computers, monitors and televisions. Resource Recycling reports that a group of about a dozen officials hopes to deliver a recommendation in February to a larger alliance …

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Green tax of £70 a flight

know this is not mainstream solid waste, but it is relevant to environmental economic instruments, waste & resources, sustainable tourism, food miles etc etc… Airline passengers should pay a green tax of at least £70 per return ticket to reduce the amount of global warming caused by flights, the UK …

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De-coupling – ensuring economic growth without damaging the environment

At a recent seminar in Copenhagen, European environmental experts discussed how to de-couple economic growth from exploitation of resources and damaging impacts on the environment. De-coupling has come into focus in international environmental work in recent years, as there is a large political wish for ensuring economic growth without damaging …

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The use of second hand car components in car fleets

Environmentally friendly solutions and economic benefits are not incompatible. This is what the RESPECT-project, supported by the EU LIFE-Environment aid programme has proved. The main goal of the project was to demonstrate that the re-usage of car parts on a large scale is economically, ecologically and technically possible. Nearly 80 …

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German court backs can/bottle recycling law

A German court has backed a government plan to introduce deposit charges on non-refillable cans and bottles next year, overturning an earlier ruling to block the measures in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The German government aims to introduce a deposit of 25 cents for small containers and 50 …

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Welsh worms win waste work [Always avoid alliteration!]

The Western Mail reports that Welsh entrepreneurs have pioneered a way to turn biodegradable household waste into an “aphrodisiac for plants”, using 32 million “workers”. With the help of millions of worms, the transformation from rubbish to fertiliser takes less than two weeks, and the company has won cash backing …

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Glass goes Green – whatever the colour

Staff from the Centre for Environmental Studies in the Hospitality Industry at Oxford Brookes University are rolling up their sleeves and picking through the contents of rubbish bins at licensed premises across the district. The Glass Goes Green project, which aims to reduce the vast quantity of glass that is …

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UK Finance Minister acts on waste

UK Chancellor Gordon Brown has announced further important steps in the Government’s strategy to protect the environment, including action to tackle the problem of waste, and expand on the Government’s strategy for using economic measures for delivering environmental benefits. Building on its recent Budgets, the Government today announced a series …

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