UK Government consults on composting catering waste

The UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has issued a consultation document (deadline = February 3, 2003) on the treatment of catering waste containing meat in composting and biogas plants. The composting of kitchen waste is set to be allowed as long as it meets specific …

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EU waste prevention targets

The European Commission will next year make initial proposals towards establishing EU-wide waste prevention targets, a senior environment directorate official announced at an ASSURRE conference in Brussels recently. ENDS Daily reports that a policy paper on prevention targets would be published separately from three other proposals also due next year: …

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Japanese local re-use/recycling scheme

A tenants association in Yamatotakada, Nara Prefecture, has opened a secondhand shop to revitalize the quiet shopping district and reduce waste. The Daily Yomiuri in Japan reports that the association, comprising 30 tenants in the Tenjinbashisuji shopping district, opened Recycle Shop Sazanka after renting an empty store in the district. …

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Cultural & ethnic diversity may be key to waste diversion

Here is an interesting item from the California Integrated Waste Management Board, addressing the issues of cultural diversity and resource recovery, sometimes a sensitive issue for waste planners. Understanding California’s growing cultural diversity and the impact increasingly diverse communities may have on waste stream reduction and diversion programs could be …

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WasteWise update Global Warming…Is A Waste!

Waste reduction presents opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at every stage of a product’s life cycle. This document from the US EPA’s WasteWise programme provides an overview of the climate change and waste link and highlights WasteWise partners that have achieved GHG reductions by reusing products, recycling, and …

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Catadores na Colombia

Comunidade carente da cidade de Navarrese, na Colômbia, divide o lixo com os urubus. Autoridades pretendem desativar o lixão no fim de dezembro, o que está gerando protesto entre as pessoas que se alimentam ali

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Working together towards Eco-efficiency

Partnerships are crucial if eco-efficiency is to be a real business opportunity, combat increased waste and emissions and contribute towards sustainable development. That was a main message of Aiming for Eco-Efficiency in Resource Use, the third international conference of ASSURRE. “Eco-efficiency can only be achieved by diverse sectors working together …

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Recycling glass and window frame waste

A one-year WRAP funded project aims to help increase glass recycling. BRE-led research will assess the recycling opportunities for non-contaminated, high-grade flat glass and non-contaminated timber and plastic profiles from the demolition and replacement window industries. In case you are not familiar with WRAP, the Waste & Resources Action Programme …

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Rubbish trading scheme to cut waste at landfill sites

‘Rubbish trading’ is the Government’s latest response to Britain’s waste crisis. Local councils will now have to buy and sell permits among themselves if they want to dump rubbish. The UK newspaper the Independent reports that this will provide an incentive to cut waste councils send to landfill: Council A …

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