
Objetivos Estimular a reciclagem no Brasil Expor as oportunidades de mercado para produtos reciclados e reutilizados Analisar e propor incentivos econômicos para empresas recicladoras Discutir a relação entre eficiência energética e reciclagem Divulgar tecnologias, máquinas e equipamentos disponíveis para o adequado gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, incluindo coleta (regular e seletiva), …

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Producer responsibility hits licensed premises in Britain

A legal ruling in England over the sharing of packaging waste recycling targets will mean that major pubs, clubs, restaurants and hotels will now be obliged to recycle their bottles. Under the Packaging Regulations, which are designed to encourage reduction and recycling of packaging waste throughout the supply chain, the …

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Courts hinder German deposit scheme

Plans to spur Germans to even greater recycling efforts suffered a blow Tuesday when a court ruled against a new regulation putting a deposit on drink cans and many previously deposit-free bottles. AP reports that the administrative court in Düsseldorf said the impact of the deposit for consumers and companies …

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US EPA seeks to boost recycling

The US administration have launched a campaign to boost recycling. The initiative, which also aims to slash the generation of toxic chemicals, was announced by the US EPA at the National Recycling Coalition’s 21st Annual Congress and Exposition in Austin, Texas. The EPA wants to boost nationwide recycling of items …

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