More Work Needed on WEEE Recycling in Japan

The Japanese newspaper Daily Yomiuri reports that, a year after the enactment of a recycling law governing the disposal of four electrical home appliances, efforts needed to ensure the programme’s success have become clear. The law, under which television sets, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines must be recycled, came …

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More Work Needed on WEEE Recycling in Japan

The Japanese newspaper Daily Yomiuri reports that, a year after the enactment of a recycling law governing the disposal of four electrical home appliances, efforts needed to ensure the programme’s success have become clear. The law, under which television sets, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines must be recycled, came …

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California to Ban Outdoor Burning of Household Garbage

The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Resources Board (ARB) has accepted a proposal to ban the outdoor burning of household garbage at home by January 1, 2004. Burning of vegetation will still be allowed under this ban. The US EPA has determined that burning waste products at home is one …

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