Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Domiciliarios

El curso tratará las siguientes temáticas: – Generación de Residuos Sólidos – Aprovechamiento de Residuos – Disposición final Y contará con los siguientes conferencistas: Bertus Van Heugten * Héctor Collazos Peñaloza * Mario Tabares Castaño * Luis Fernando Marmolejo * Alvaro Jaime García Rosero Para mayor información preguntar por Paola …

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UK Plastics Industry Works on Recycling Standards

The Plastics Recycling Council have just launched a project to generate a range of standards for the plastics recycling industry. The BPF Recycling Council Ltd is the not-for-profit company that represents the UK plastics recycling industry. This industry converts over 400,000 tonnes of waste plastic into new products every year. …

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Germany Aims for Drinks Can Deposit in 2003

Reuters reports that German Environment Minister Juergen Trittin was quoted on Friday as saying the country aimed to widen a deposit system to encourage recycling of drinks cans from January 1, 2003. “I have proposed to the chancellery that we introduce the obligatory deposits on January 1, 2003. We want …

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UK Plastics Industry Works on Recycling Standards

The Plastics Recycling Council have just launched a project to generate a range of standards for the plastics recycling industry. The BPF Recycling Council Ltd is the not-for-profit company that represents the UK plastics recycling industry. This industry converts over 400,000 tonnes of waste plastic into new products every year. …

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Germany Aims for Drinks Can Deposit in 2003

Reuters reports that German Environment Minister Juergen Trittin was quoted on Friday as saying the country aimed to widen a deposit system to encourage recycling of drinks cans from January 1, 2003. “I have proposed to the chancellery that we introduce the obligatory deposits on January 1, 2003. We want …

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