lixo eletrônico

SEATTLE — Worn out, obsolete, fried or just plain dead. Yesterday’s computers, cell phones, VCRs and television sets are headed for the nation’s 2,200 landfills by the ton. Cities and states are scrambling to cope with electronic waste. “Local governments all over the country are trying to deal with this,” …

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lixo eletrônico

SEATTLE — Worn out, obsolete, fried or just plain dead. Yesterday’s computers, cell phones, VCRs and television sets are headed for the nation’s 2,200 landfills by the ton. Cities and states are scrambling to cope with electronic waste. “Local governments all over the country are trying to deal with this,” …

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Curso de Gestão Integrada de Residuos Solidos

A dramática situação dos resíduos sólidos, desde a coleta até sua destinação final, somada à necessidade de aprimoramento das Prefeituras, dos Legislativos Municipais e da própria sociedade civil, que permita enfrentar o desafio da melhoria da gestão dos resíduos sólidos no país, motivam a SEDU e o IBAM a lançar …

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Understanding European and National Legislation on Packaging and the Environment

This publication identifies and explains the key laws relating to environmental regulation in Europe affecting packaging and packaged goods. A comprehensive listing of applicable laws is given in Appendix 1. The mandate and requirements of the principal European packaging waste recovery organisations is described in the sections on each country

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