Recycling fee could hurt sales of new computers

Computer manufacturers will likely see their already slumping sales deteriorate further after a recycling fee on computers purchased for use in the home is imposed in April. Although the fee, which will be collected at the time of purchase to cover the costs of recycling when the computer is discarded, …

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Recycling fee could hurt sales of new computers

Computer manufacturers will likely see their already slumping sales deteriorate further after a recycling fee on computers purchased for use in the home is imposed in April. Although the fee, which will be collected at the time of purchase to cover the costs of recycling when the computer is discarded, …

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Refuse Disposal

Refuse disposal technology continually evolving TOKYO (Kyodo via COMTEX) — Amid mounting refuse disposal problems nationwide, Japan’s steel, chemical and other materials-producing industries are devising increasingly innovative new technologies to cope with the problem, providing a glimmer of hope for a long-term solution. Tatsuno in the western Japan prefecture of …

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Refuse Disposal

Refuse disposal technology continually evolving TOKYO (Kyodo via COMTEX) — Amid mounting refuse disposal problems nationwide, Japan’s steel, chemical and other materials-producing industries are devising increasingly innovative new technologies to cope with the problem, providing a glimmer of hope for a long-term solution. Tatsuno in the western Japan prefecture of …

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Invenção brasileira vai alavancar reciclagem de pneus

Tecnologia usada para separar nylon, aço e borracha dos pneus é tão importante no processo de reciclagem, que o nome do inventor é mantido em sigilo pela empresa. São Paulo – A mais recente prova de que o Brasil, ainda que por força da Lei, se preocupa com a preservação …

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