OECD MSW statistics

“1998 statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) record that the municipal solid waste arising vary enormously across the planet. The OECD average (it has 29 member countries) it a neatly precise 500 Kg/person/year. This maks a diverse picture, ranging between 230 Kg/person/year in Czech Republic and …

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Recyclabe efficient concept car

“Car company Chrysler has developed a plastic Composite Concept Vehicle, which could cost US$ 6.000, take only hours to make and travel 50 miles to the gallon, making the vehicle ideal for markets in developing countries. According to reports from the environmental News network, instead of the normal 80 steel …

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OECD MSW statistics

“1998 statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) record that the municipal solid waste arising vary enormously across the planet. The OECD average (it has 29 member countries) it a neatly precise 500 Kg/person/year. This maks a diverse picture, ranging between 230 Kg/person/year in Czech Republic and …

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