Reciclagem de Papéis

European Declaration on Paper Recovery A European declaration on paper recovery has been launched by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CEPI) and the European Recovered Paper Association. The declaration aims to ensure the optimum management of used paper and board products, improvement in the quality of recovered paper and a …

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World population to hit six billion before the millenium

“The world’s population increased last year by 78 million, and is expected to reach six billion by October 1999, according to the annual report of the Washington, US-based Population Institute. Family -Planning programmes around the World have helped cut birth rates in many countries , but a dozen of the …

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Feedstock recycling facility planned for plastic waste

“Texaco have declared plans to build a gasification plant for converting mixed plastics waste into fuel at a facility in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Euwid Recycling & Waste Management reports that Texaco predicts a gate fee of NLG250 per tonne for the waste, delivered to the 40.000 tonnes per year plant.”

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Reciclagem de Papéis

European Declaration on Paper Recovery A European declaration on paper recovery has been launched by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CEPI) and the European Recovered Paper Association. The declaration aims to ensure the optimum management of used paper and board products, improvement in the quality of recovered paper and a …

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Reciclagem de Pneus

Tyre Recycling Advance Research into the feasibility of using powerful, short electric pulses to separate metal and rubber components found in tyres has been carried out at Shevehenko University in Kyiv, Austria. Scrap Tyre News Online reports that new techniques are set to reduce energy consumption in the recycling process …

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