An excavated area where soil, sand or gravel has been dug up for use elsewhere.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Usually, a vertical hole drilled into the ground from which soil samples can be collected and analyzed to determine the presence of chemicals and the physical characteristics of the soil. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Transformation of a chemical to other chemicals, aided by populations of microorganisms in the soil. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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A waste generated from the treatment of wastewater from petroleum refining and the manufacture of industrial chemicals.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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A process that uses microorganisms to change toxic compounds into non-toxic compounds.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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The process by which some contaminants or toxic chemicals gradually collect and increase in concentration in living tissue, such as in plants, fish, or people as they breathe contaminated air, drink contaminated water, or eat contaminated food.Source: Dep

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A ledge, wall or a mound of earth used to prevent the migration of contaminants.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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A petroleum derivative and a widely used solvent in the chemical industry. Uses of benzene include synthesis of rubber, nylon, polystyrene, pesticides and unleaded gasoline. Benzene is a highly volatile chemical and is readily absorbed by breathing, inges

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Se entiende por basura todo residuo s¾lido o semi- s¾lido que carece de valor para su inmediato poseedor, con excepci¾n de excreta de origen humano o animal. Estßn comprendidos en la misma definici¾n los desperdicios, desechos, cenizas, elementos de barri

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Substances characterized by high pH (greater than 7.0), which tend to be corrosive in chemical reactions. Laundry detergent is basic. By contrast, drinking water is neutral and has a medium pH; lemon juice is acidic and has a low pH. Source: Department of

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