Levels of toxic substances that occur in a certain area, excluding a known source of contamination.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Represents the average amount of toxic chemicals in the air, water or soil to which people are routinely exposed. More than half of the background concentration of toxic air contaminations in metropolitan areas comes from automobiles, trucks and other veh

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A general name that applies to a family of naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals. Asbestos fibers were used mainly for insulation and as a fire retardant material in construction, industry, in ship building and as brake-liners in automobiles. Brea

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A crystalline gray highly poisonous metal, most commonly brittle. It is used as an alloy for metals, especially lead and copper, and is used in insect-killing chemicals and weed killers. In its inorganic form, it is listed as a cancer-causing chemical und

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Una condici¾n en la cual no existe oxÝgeno libre. Requerimiento de ausencia de aire o de oxÝgeno para la degradaci¾n. Fuente: GU?A PARA EL DISEÐO, CONSTRUCCIËN Y OPERACIËN DE RELLENOS SANITARIOS MANUALES

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A positively-charged particle that is emitted from radioactive atoms. Alpha particles can travel less than one inch in the air. A thin sheet of paper will stop the particle. The particle is only a hazard if ingested.Source: Department of Toxic Substance C

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An area of sand, clay or other similar material that has been gradually deposited by moving water, such as along a river bed or shore of a lake.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Alkaline means that a substance is basic, or has a high pH value. Laundry soap is basic and has a high pH. By contrast, lemon juice is acidic and has a low pH; drinking water is near neutral, and has a medium pH.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Contr

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AIR STRIPPING TOWER Air stripping tower

Air stripping removes volatile organic chemicals (such as solvents) from the water causing them to evaporate. Polluted water is sprayed downward through a tower filled with packing materials while air is blown upwards. The contaminants evaporate leaving s

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A process whereby volatile organic chemicals (such as solvents) are removed from contaminated material by forcing a stream of air through it in a pressurized vessel. The contaminants are evaporated into the air stream. The air may be further treated befor

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