A process that promotes breakdown of contaminants in soil or water by exposing them to air. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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The level above which an environmental protection agency suggests it is potentially harmful to be exposed to a contaminant. Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Adverse health effects that may result from exposure to toxics range from relatively mild temporary conditions such as minor eye or throat irritation, shortness of breath or headaches to permanent and serious conditions such as cancer, birth defects or da

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The number of particles or photons that are ejected from a radioactive substance per unit of time.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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A guideline established by the environmental protection agencies that identifies the concentration of a substance in a particular media (water, soil, etc.) that may present a health risk when exceeded. The action level is also referred to as applied actio

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Acid recovery column

An air pollution control device which captures and collects acid from emission gases.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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Acid neutralization sump

A basin in which wastewater containing acids is neutralized prior to being discharged to a sewer.Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control – Calif¾rnia – USA

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II Congresso Nacional de Meio Ambiente na Bahia

II Congresso Nacional de Meio Ambiente na Bahia Promovido pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Universidade Católica do Salvador, UNIFACS e outras instituições de ensino e de meio ambiente, o Congresso compreenderá sessões técnicas para apresentação de trabalhos, minicursos, conferências, mesas redondas, feira de exposição, exibição …

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