The ability of a substance to cause poisonous effects resulting in severe biological harm or death soon after a single exposure or dose. Also, any severe poisonous effect resulting from a single short-term exposure to a toxic substance. Source: World Bank

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Means the period of operation beginning with the initial receipt of municipal solid waste and ending at completion of closure activities. Source : British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Canada – Landfill Criteria For Municipal Solid Wa

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Sludge that results when primary effluent is mixed with bacteria-laden sludge and then agitated and aerated to promote biological treatment. This speeds breakdown of organic matter in raw sewage undergoing secondary waste treatment. Source: World Bank

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Means a document describing an organized, planned, technically coordinated and financially feasible course of action to be followed in identifying nonconforming landfills and to upgrade the landfill(s) to meet these criteria or to justify exemptions. Sour

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Estudio sobre el desarrollo a nivel municipal y comunal de la descentralización del servicio de manejo de desechos sólidos

El estudio contiene información sobre el manejo de los residuos sólidos: planes, políticas, programas, aspectos legales a nivel municipal y nacional y del sector privado. Presenta aspectos económico-financeiros, sobre tarifas y recaudaciones. además, las experiencias sobre la presentación de servicios en cuatro comunidades de Costa Rica, así como la experiencia …

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